Alright seafood time, here are some photos from Thursday night:
Oh look! Smee caught a lobster for me.
My new pet lobster. I've decided to call it Lobbie.
We went to Sai Kung again and pretty much ate the same stuff we got a few months ago. By all means, I'm not complaining, this stuff is yummy! Freshly slaughtered too!
Steamed bamboo clams with garlic and spring onion.
Another clam. Can't recall the name.
Prawns with salty duck egg batter. Hmmm cholesterol heaven.
Cheesy lobster. Not the one we were holding but rather a baby one.
Pissing Shrimp in spicy salt.
Alright, well that was Thursday night, this is Friday's food. For lunch, we went all the way to Tai Koo to a shopping centre food court (?!?!) for what was claimed to be HK's best Hainan Chicken Rice. You wouldn't go to HK for it's chicken rice but we had to try it out. Hey don't anyone out there bag food courts because food courts in HK are way better than anything in Australia. I wouldn't mind eating in a HK food court everyday!
Chicken rice with steamed vegies and a plate of roast pork. The verdict? Well I'm not a chicken rice connoisseur but the general consensus was an all round thumbs up.
I didn't photograph dinner, but it was a chinese banquet with shark fin soup and pigeon and other stuff. Me talking about food is starting to get a bit boring.
It is a joy to shop in asian supermarkets, Smee in particular has this urge to want to buy and taste everything because he knows we can't get it back home - boo frigging hoo. Oh lookie at what we have here????
You know, it gets even better than that. Buy one 6 pack, get another one for FREE!!!! From recollection one packet cost $5 aussie dollars, so wtf?!?!? $5 for 12 ice cream pops!! I nearly cried with joy. Here's me doing my best to sell this product. My skills courtesy of the school of The Price is Right.

One of our favourite stores is a snack shop called Aji Ichiban. If you like dried cuttlefish, seaweed, cured meats and other general asian sweets, go here!! The dried fish skin comes highly recommended. MSG helps a lot.
Some of you may recall me vowing to go back to Sweet Dynasty in my previous HK post in July. Well I don't disappoint do I?!?!?! Here's my dessert, eaten at 11.30pm. Sweet tofu pudding (dou fu fa) with fresh fruit. Mmmm mmm mmmm!!!!!
Hi babe - wow, that's a lot of food! I think my blog is to drinking as your blog is to food :)
Love you!
Big fat tick for you....but subsequently withdrawn because you dobbed on me to Jess!! Dibber dobber!
You may get the tick back if your 3rd entry is in by eod...but it won't be big and fat anymore.
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