Saturday, October 21, 2006

Parap Market and Lonely Walks

Today I went to Parap Markets, which is a weekly fresh produce and food stall market. For a place that has a rather small population, you can get a surprisingly large range of food in Darwin. Laksa, satay and stuffed chicken wings can be found anywhere and I was advised to sample some of the local attempts. Another thing I really like about Darwin are the fresh juices. Mmmmm yum!

My juice (I think it was Mango, Paw paw and Lime) sitting pretty with my Laksa.

For all the Laksa purists, I know that Laksa doesn't come with beef, but I was given the option of having chicken, seafood, pork, beef, char siu laksa or THE LOT. So being a greedy pig, I took the lot. The verdict? Well I can't say anything too bad about it, but I really needed Smee here to get an expert opinion.

After the markets, I thought I would go for a wander around Darwin-town. Not very smart, especially since I forgot to bring a bottle of water along.

Darwin Town Hall ruins as a result of Cyclone Tracy.

As you do. There's a classy hobo out there somewhere!

Moments before embarking on my walk down a lonely road. See the fear?

Oh this looks interesting!

The stairs down to the tunnel. When I got there, there was a lady sitting outside with a ciggie in her hand, charging $5. I decided there and then I wasn't really interested in looking after all.

Dammit more stairs! Stairs are so much harder to climb in 34 degree weather.

The Darwin coastline.

Another lonely pathway. This time down to a beach!

I felt a bit ripped off when I got the 'beach'. Yes I wanted to exfoliate my feet but not on rocks.

While at the Parap Markets earlier in the day, I had a bit of peek at all the foods available. Given that I had no dinner that night, and I was desperate not to eat hot food, I bought some rice paper rolls.

They were alright. Not as bad as some of the ones available in Viet restaurants where they just fill them with rice vermercelli.

Dessert was Baked Custard from some Indo? dessert stall. Yum yum!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm smee, the laksa doesn't look that bad. When you told first told me about it, i was picturing a really bad laksa but in actual fact it don't look that bad.
I'll show you some bad laksa in London!