Saturday, July 29, 2006

Late Adelaide Photos

Well I finally figured out what was wrong with my Bluetooth - the driver wasn't installed on my laptop. DUH! I'm such a bimbo when it comes to computers. In actual fact, I didn't figure that out on my own anyway, rather Smee discovered it wasn't installed. Thanks Smee! Anyway in reference to these entries (Back in Melbourne and Adelaide) here are some late Adelaide photos.

Here's TTand I at Chocolate Bean. Gorgeous isn't she? The photo doesn't do her justice. If you ever meet her, you'll feel so ugly and bitchy next to her.

Here's a pic of Adelaide trains. They look just like the dirty Melbourne ones.
This is a big, depressed, floppy bear. He wasn't in Adelaide (rather the Pines library) but I wanted to include him somewhere on the blog. Hehehe, the poor bear.

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