Monday, August 30, 2010

The Cupcake Family

I've always liked cupcakes.  More importantly, I liked them before they became a food fad.  Nothing beats a moist cupcake finished off with a generous dollop of icing.  Num nums - good for the soul.

The best thing about food trends is that specialty stores devoted to selling such particular items explode all over town (e.g bubble tea cafes).  Larger and better varieties become available for consumption.  *clap clap*

The Joy Cupcakes I had recently were ok if a little inconsistent at times - some dry, some moist.  I had a hankering for some cupcakes today and had intended to sample the goods of Little Cupcakes.  However, Moo suggested The Cupcake Family after noting her friend's recommendation.  Well I guess it made more sense, we were closer to the store anyway.

I had walked past The Cupcake Family a few times but never actually tried any of their cakes.  My intention was to only buying two or three at most.  However, The Cupcake Family played to my Asian weaknesses of liking small, cute things (mini, girly decorated cupcakes) and buying in bulk as a cost saving measure.  As a result, I bought 12 mini cupcakes.  Yeah.
Ooops, one cupcake didn't have a good journey in the car.......So I moved it back in place for a nice group photo. 

The flavours pictured are:
(1st row) Almond Orange, Blueberry Cream Cheese, Coffee Crunch.
(2nd row) Choc Chip, Simple Vanilla, Red Velvet
(3rd row) Snowy Strawberry, Double Choc, Green Tea Daisy
(4th row) Strawberry Vanilla, Choc Peanut Butter, Lemony Sunshine

That's not the entire menu but most of it.  There was a durian cupcake (unavailable - poo) which I really wanted to try.  I think they also have seasonal varieties too.

Anyway, I must commend The Cupcake Family for the consistency of my selection today.  My love for buttercream icing and cream cheese icing has been cemented.  All cakes were moist and soft and while I do have my distinct favourites (blueberry cream cheese, lemony sunshine, green tea daisy and weirdly so, choc peanut butter), none of the cupcakes could be placed in the 'will not eat again' column, even the icing-less almond orange!

All in all a win-win situation for me and The Cupcake Family.  I shall be back!


mallymoodle said...

Delicious, nutritious (sorta) and attractive!

SuBoo said...

Now I'm hungry :(