Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bratwurst and Churros

....not eaten together of course.  That would be a bit weird. 

Did I mention that I no longer have to eat alone?  I needed to make a trip the the Queen Vic Market and so I forced Moo to come down and eat a bratwurst hotdog with me.
Moo with our chilli bratwurst hotdogs.  Lots and lots of sauerkraut.  

How does one finish off a German bratwurst lunch?  With a Spanish churros of course!
Mooey making her way to the Europeans in the churros van.  

I was a bit surprised that they only coat the churros in icing sugar.  Where's my dipping chocolate!?!  Anyway, they were alright.  Not bad, but not 'wow' inside my mouth either.  I mean, it is just a bit of fried dough, but then again who doesn't like a bit of fried dough?!?!  Yau cha kuay, I'm looking at you.  We were lucky to have a fresh batch - crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

After the lunch, I drove home and there ends my day.

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