Friday, December 15, 2006

Wii-ing in Kahoons's apartment

Tonight was a little different. Well, we had the usual work drinks. This time at 3 degrees, but nothing worth blogging here. Dinner was at Mekong and also, nothing worthy of blogging. "What to do after dinner?", we all pondered.

Did we really want to drink more? I'd certainly had enough of brain cell erosion.
A club? *groan*
Go home? Nah, it was too early.
Ka ho pipes up "I have a Wii! Let's all go and play it!"

Alright so the story didn't quite go that way, but I have been wanting to try the Wii ever since Kahoons mentioned that he had one. Hehehee. I have never been one for console games or computer games for the matter - well, apart from minesweeper, puzzle bobble, bejeweled, aladdin and online sudoku. Five minutes into a console game and I have RSI in my thumbs and the novelty has worn thin. But the Wii, oh the Wii!!! I could play this for hours!!!

Mooey and I playing tennis on the Wii.

The bonus part of the Wii is that you end up getting a good arm workout too. Hmmmm toned biceps here I come! Smee, maybe we can buy a Wii and play it together? Thanks Smee!
Now, I gotta warn you guys, If you ever play Jade on the Wii, watch out!! She moves around like a real tennis player on the carpet! While Moo and I stood there moving just our arms, J scooted around like as though there was a real court there! hehehe

J in full swing.

Kahoons vs. J. I think Kahoons won.

J putting in her best forearm.

After that game, Moo and Kahoons had a go at boxing. Kahoons had no issue with punching a girl. In fact he was quite proud of himself that he won.

Mooey and Kahoons in action.

If you scroll or page up/down quick enough, you can see them moving!

And so ended another Friday night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm ok smee, we can consider getting a Wii BUT I think it would help if we have to TV to begin with!!!