Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry (belated) Christmas!

Well today is Boxing day so my Christmas wishes are a little belated. I would've posted this up earlier except that I was sick yesterday with the runs and the vomits. I ended up sleeping for about 18-20 hours of the entire day! Not sure how I ended up like that but maybe it's got something to do with Smee having the runs the day before and our housemate, Jon also having bowel issues before Smee.

Anyway, I went to the Boxing day sales today. It was CRAZY. It was cold outdoors. It was stuffy indoors. People were everywhere. People were shoving. People were yelling. Women with prams. Clothes all over the place. Shoes all over the place. Ergh. I went into Zara and just got shitty cos there were too many people and there was no way I would find anything in my size, let alone try it on. I ended up buying a jacket (which I desperately needed) and a toy dinosaur (which I didn't need) and wasn't even on sale. Just a horrible atmosphere.

I think I will go to the sales again tomorrow. Hehehehe.

Back to Christmas. Smee got a me a pressie which he hid very well. It looks bigger than what it really is but now I finally have my own bona fide Gucci handbag - yay! Thanks Smee! *muaksei*

On a totally different note, here are some chippies which I am newly addicted to. The Thai spices include lime, ginger and coriander. What really hooks me is that you can really taste the coriander!!!! I have refrained from finishing the packet as an attempt to not overdose on them.


Mishymoo said...

you haven't got me as a link :(

Anonymous said...

Oh babe, I'm so sorry you were sick and the shopping was bad! I've avoided the shops here even though everything is dirt cheap...I'll hit it all in January.

Love you babe! Feel better!!!! Kate xox

mallymoodle said...

hai pooey
you missed out on babies and lobster heads
from mooey

Pooey said...

mmm babies and lobster heads - tasteeeee

Lynn said...

A very stylish handbag indeed!!! I went to the sales today and bought way too much. I shall take photos of my purchases and post them on my blog! hahaha.....

Zara.......so jealous......