Sunday, December 17, 2006

Circle Christmas 2006

Aaaaah that time of year has come again - Circle Christmas time! This year, due to the lack of remaining members, we opted for a lighter, casual affair and decided on a barbecue in Albert Park Lake. We also had to make a few more radiations from the Core Circle or else our par-tay would've been a bit small.
Anyhow the lead up to the BBQ was a bit anxious due to the la-di-da
weather we've been having. But luckily for us, 26 degrees was predicted hence we did not have to consider the yum cha contingency :D Although it wasn't that hot, I absolutely insisted I wear a dress because I wanted to make the most of my summer before London!

The day started (early) for Kahoons at 10.30am as I unfortunately assigned him the responsible role of securing shaded picnic space. Kahoons IS THE MAN!
We got a lovely patch of picnic
area and he arrived 15 minutes earlier than the person next to us. Hehehehe.... A few ppl getting lost here and there but eventually we all made it to the park.

There were a few other asian-based gatherings and although we were prepared, we opted not to have any machete fights. The early arrivals in position above, wanted to challenge them to a Barn Dance. Kahoons! Get back in line!

Moo sneaking an asian pose onto me. Oh wait, that's my asian pose - praying to the phone god.

Awwww someone's doggie.

What to say about the food? Well the food was typical bbq food - sausages (heaps!!), lamp chops, chilli chicken ribs, satay sticks, chicken wings, hamburger patties (just the one), green salad, green apple/asian salad, pasta salad, onions and mushrooms for garnish, sushi, fish, fruit salad, plenty of drinks, all the sauces you can think of and chocolate cake! Did I miss anyone's contribution? Anyhow, it was FAR too much food, despite my worry that we wouldn't have enough!!!!

The snags and chicken ribs.

For all you meat lovers out there, a close up shot.

The only hamburger pattie cooked at the bbq, despite there being several available.

Devouring the only hamburger.

Pictures of us eating:

A few portrait shots courtesy of Tina

Eeek! Alright, the last one was from my camera.

Now, a couple of shots of us playing with the football and frisbee.

Cheerleading on the side is the only way to go, says I.

Clearly Lymbo, Meme and I were enjoying ourselves.

Kris Kringle was made simpler this year - you bring a present, you get a present! This year's theme was 'Stuff you can buy from Borders'.

And here we are with all our presents.

This BBQ also became my farewell with a surprise (well I accidentally saw it) chocolate cake - thanks to Sharon :D. Lymbo and Meme said a few nice words and then I was given the opportunity to say a few words and then I gave the WORST SPEECH EVER. I'm sorry guys, it was just me waffling 'thanks guys' and I think I may have sounded angry too. It was nothing worth clapping for.

Until next year..... where will the next Circle Christmas be????


Anonymous said...

Jealous!! So jealous! Looks like you guys all had a fab time...good work organising Frannie! Have a wonderful xmas and happy new year everyone!! Kate xox

Lynn said...

hahahaha.......that photo of all of us holding up our presents is hillarious.

how dare martin give you the worst picture of jimbo and i ever! hahaha....he has his eyes shut and i'm all frumpy. oh well.

I had a great time and thanks again for organising it all. Till next year.....

Pooey said...

we look like the biggest bunch of losers with our books hahaha