Sunday, May 29, 2011

San Sebastian - Day 2

On the recommendation of the locals Smee spoke to last night, we hit up Bar Goiz Argi for some pintxos lunch.  They said to try to signature grilled prawn pintxos.... your wish is my command!  
One of the smallest pintxos bars we'd come across.  Just a tiny door and no windows.  

This appeared to be a family run joint with Mama Basque manning most of the main counter.  She was such a cutie-Mama, constantly smiling and truly enjoyed her job.  She showered us with an 'Arigato!!!' as we left.  Hilarious.  
Hmmm.. What shall we order? 

We found our spot at the counter.  Mama Basque getting dishes ready.

Smee and I went a little nuts.  The same story goes, everything was tasty and cheap.  Some jamon and prawn pintxos to whet the appetite.  The signature grilled prawns with a salsa of sorts on it.  Yes, it was very tasty indeed!  Smee and I had two servings!  Smee loves his padron peppers so Smee did his best point-and-thumbs-up to the fresh ones and they fried them up for us.

Grilled squid.  So simple, yet so so delicious.  Another plate thanks!  There were some other peppers next to the padron peppers, so we got a plate of those as well.  I decided I wanted a beef ball of sorts.  It was nice but not as good as the other dishes.  

Yup, eating I'm eating away!  Smee loving his squid.  

No meal is complete without a glass of kalimotxo.  This is probably the only way someone can get me to drink Coke.  I've never drunk Coke so often in my life!

After lunch, we took a walk down to Zurriola and La Concha beach.  It's not high Summer but the weather was so nice and I even got an unwanted tan.
La Concha beach.  Reminds me a bit of Bondi.. but not really.  

Smee and I then went on a 'Titty Hunt'.  They take their tanning seriously in this part of the world and there were plenty of bare breasts on display.  
Smee on the beach, Smee on the beach!  One of the worst boob jobs ever.  Terrible!!!!

Before heading back to Bilbao airport, we wanted to return to La Cuchara to sample the other items we didn't get to eat last night but like most other pintxos bars, they were shut for the afternoon.  Boo hoo.  So we return to where it all started, Bar Txalupa.  In hindsight, this was a comparatively mediocre bar.  
Goats cheese and onion pintxo.  More chicken wings for Smee.  A little sausage for me.  We didn't eat these but they had chicken nuggets on a skewer.  C'mon, that's zero effort.  Some more fried calamari.  

One for the road :D

Me getting ready to ride myself back to Bilbao airport.  As if.  

Yep, it was a good idea for us to have our hotel right at the bus 'terminal'.  It's not really a proper terminal but more where the buses park and drop off/collect passengers.  The PESA ticket office is just down the main road (Av de Sancho 'El Sabio') and if you didn't do your research (like several tourists trying to board our bus) you need to buy your ticket from them and not the driver.  Our driver was so nice though.  He saw a 'China Chica' run to the ticketing office and did a few rounds while waiting for her to come back.  Now, that's very thoughtful.  He could have easily just driven off without her.  

Anyway, I'm totally loving the Basque region of Spain - one of my fave areas in Europe so far!  There's a nice village atmosphere and the people seem genuinely happy.  Who wouldn't be with the sun shining down on them and the awesome, cheap food?!  Not like grumpy, old London.  There are so many more bars I'd like to have tried such as A Fuego Negro, Borda Berri and of course, the Michelin star restaurants including the famous Arzak.  I definitely want to return to San Sebastian before it becomes inundated with more tourists.  The fact that there are pretty much no direct flights to San Sebastian (most go via Madrid from London) has sheltered it from the hoards of Brits, me thinks.  Smee please buy us a holiday home here - fanks.  

For anyone planning their own eating adventure, remember that in Spain a lot shops are closed on Monday so take that into account in order to maximise your enjoyment.  Otherwise, bubbai San Sebastian!  Hopefully we'll meet again soon! :D


mallymoodle said...

pasame el kalimotxooooooo!!!!

Spu said...

i heart san seb

Pooey said...

Me too. I <3 San Sebbie. Want to buy a holiday home there! Then I will have a very good reason to return for pintxo regularly!