Monday, February 02, 2009

Snow Day!

You may well have heard that London received a HUGE dumping of snow today. I sit here at home blogging about it after walking to work, arriving at a nearly empty building, being informed that public transport had been halted and about 90% of the working population remained at home. I felt like a downright moron. Hmmm that does explain the empty streets.... duh. I usually don't like it when it snows but hey I can get over my usual disdain if that means I get a day off. Now I just want it to snow all the time!

The snow began falling last night and Smee took a few pics. Here's one of the adjoining street.

Aaaah so fairytale-like.

Now, I'm just waiting for Smee to come home so we can go and make Snowmen!! By the time I come back to post this blog I'll have some more pics....hehehehe.....

A few hours later.....

Well here are the pics:

St Paul's Cathedral

The view from the Millenium Bridge.

The Millenium Bridge was where we began the Snowman Hunt after I spotted this little fellow on the railing:

Here are some more Snowmen found at various places.

I wanted to make an army of Snowmen, but little did I know, I'm not very good at compacting snow and constructing large snow balls. Impatience to command an army didn't help either. This was our first snowman:

A bit difficult to spot in the white, white snow.

He was a bit lonely, so we built him a friend:

They needed another friend, so we built him yellow-cap.

Not so much a Snowman Army than a bunch of Snowman Cuties. Hehehe..

We realised than an army was going to be a bit difficult so we decided to build a Snowman Family instead.

Happy to hold a big snowball.

Smee making Daddy Snowman.

Ta-dah!!! Snowman family complete with doggy. Yep, I brought accessories.

Here they proudly stand waiting for their house to be built.

Me giving Baby Snowman a cuddle.

Giving Doggy Snowman a pat.

Not before too long, there was an onslaught of admirers wanting to photograph our sweet little family.
Look! These girls even posed with them!

We did get one question from a passing admirer in regards to the Doggy Snowman. She asked "What's that?" like as though he didn't look like a puppy :S

It started getting dark and I have to admit, I was a little sad to say goodbye to my Snowman Family. *sniff* I wanted to take them home with me and keep them in the fridge to stop them from melting!

1 comment:

mallymoodle said...

Yay, SNOW DAY!!!
I wish I was there :(

You're only 7 months behind nao!