Thursday, February 26, 2009

La Clique

I first heard of La Clique back in 2006 when the Famous Spiegeltent set up shop during late Spring. We tried to get tickets for the La Clique show but they were sold out way in advance. I didn't really have an idea of what the show was about, but I thought it was just burlesque dancing. Entertaining nonetheless and it would have added some variety to work/drinkies cycle I was going through.

So the opportunity arose to watch it at the Hippodrome at Leicester Square. All I needed to do was shell out £25 for the ticket and meal offer. London is quite good like that - no one ever pays full price for a theatre ticket!

Dinner was a quickie and then we scooted off to the Hippodrome which I've walked past many times but was unaware of it's existence. La Clique is more or less a feat/freak show and a circus tent-like structure was successfully recreated in the theatre.

Our tickets were free sitting/standing and thankfully we managed to scum a row of seats with a decent view. The show opened with a puppet which I can only described as 'a head with an afro on a slinky'. It was manipulated by two puppeteers to the song "If You Could Read My Mind". With all due respect to Gordon Lightfoot and his original version, there are times when I absolutely f*%king detest the Starz on 54 version. I'm not sure why that is.... hmmm. It's like it is capable of flicking on the hater switch in me.

Anyway, tonight was one of those times when I was hating the song. In my mind I begged that this didn't represent that types of act we were going to see. It's only now that I realise the puppeteers were quite talented however during the song, I couldn't see past all the hating and it felt like an eternity.

The follow up act certainly proved to be redeeming - The English Gents. Hmmm who are actually Australian. Two men balancing on each other in various positions. Sounds not so impressive but trust me they were. Those handstands/headstands/armstands require exceptional body strength. It also helped that these two boys had some seriously cut up bodies. Not in a horrible bodybuilder steroids way, but in an athletic way. Muscle percentage? Zero. Hehehe.

Our MC for the night was Mario. He was pretty good at juggling in time with Queen's 'Another One Bites the Dust'. Captain Frodo was captivating but in a disgusting contortionist kind of way. Ursula Martinez - well you can see her act here. Be warned - it's NSFW!

Njla happily told us the secret to this trick - a thumb glove! She used to perform that trick herself when she was a wee lass. Maybe not the naked bit though.

The Skating Willers were another highlight but at first I thought 'Seriously?? Their whole act is rollerskating??' However it was on circular platform no more than 1.5 metres diameter. Also for part of their stunt, they were only connected by a neck collar - eek!

I've been told the performers vary night to night and but I'm glad to say that we did see the Bath Boy. Dressed in just a pair of jeans, he fluttered in and out of a bath tub using only his strength to hoist himself up and down some leather straps. Yeah, he was pretty freaking hot too. A trained gymnast, I'm glad he's putting his skills to good use for the ladies' viewing pleasure.

It's too good to be true - he's probably gay!

If you're not a fan of physical stunts, freak shows and living life in general, then please don't see La Clique. Otherwise, dole out the small amount of cash and have an easy night out while someone else does the tough work.

1 comment:

Amanda Lui (Thao) said...

Yah for bath boy!