Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chip Competition

Whilst doing the grocery shopping Smee and I came across these chippies or *posh English accent* crisps as they're called here.

Yep that right. The flavour of these chippies are Builder's Breakfast i.e bacon, fried egg, baked beans, Onion Bhati, Cajun Squirrel (wtf), Fish and Chips, Crispy Duck & Hoi Sin and finally Chilli & Chocolate. Very Heston Bluementhal. Well he did have a hand in developing the flavours.

Walkers want to introduce a new flavour and these are the finalist which the public can vote for. So now that I've tasted all, these are my thoughts:

Builder's Breakfast. I'm an unashamed fan of bacon and eggs. It's just one of the best post-clubbing foods to eat and a great way to get your greasy fill. I was impressed at the initial bacon and ketchup flavours and then just totally surprised by how the chip finished off with a fried egg taste. It really tasted like a fried egg! My personal winning chippie.

Fish and Chips. I thought this one would be an easy one to concoct. I mean half of the flavour is already there! It did taste like battered fish though. It was nice but not a winner by any means.

Crispy Duck & Hoi Sin. Yep, they were trying to recreate the duck wrap. It did taste hoi sin-y but not quite duck-y as I'd like. Still, quite easy to snack on.

Onion Bhati. Tasted like smelly feet. Bleah.

Cajun Squirrel. This was weird. I couldn't really identify the Squirrel-y bit but there was something not quite right here.

Chilli and Chocolate. I like the combination of chilli and chocolate in hot chocolate, blocks of chocolate and chocolate biscuits. You could taste they the chilli-choc combination a bit, but the potato of the chippie just took over. It wasn't unpleasant, but it just wasn't quite right either.

Anyway, I hope the Builder's Breakfast wins! I submitted my vote already :D


J said...

So who won?
And did you eat all those chips? And if so how long did it take you?

Pooey said...

Builder's Breakfast won! I ate most of the chips. I just threw out the ones which weren't so great. Anyway, they were only snackpack size.