Sunday, February 21, 2010

Valentine's Day

It's not the first time that I've expressed my dissatisfaction over chick flicks.  Especially when they are trying too hard to be funny, have eye-gouging, cringey plots or when the two lead protagonists forced by the genre, 'fall in love' despite having zero chemistry  (The Proposal, I'm looking at you here).  

All that aside, I do have my *aww* moments when the movie is done right and in particular, I totally enjoy the bittersweetness of two leads not falling in love.   When I first saw the poster for Valentine's Day, I instantly thought "Oooh!  Americanised version of Love Actually!"  

From Day 1, I never thought that Valentine's Day would ever be able to replicate the quirky, awkward British charm of Richard Curtis' hit.  Having set my expectations low, I was more or less looking forward to a movie with several intertwined light-hearted, fluffy stories between the mega-cast. 
I'd read some not so great reviews about the movie and normally I would be one of the many who would SLAM this film but..... I really enjoyed it!  I'm not ashamed to admit it!  I think it might have something to do with me actually wanting to see a Chick Flick for once!  

Sure, there were cliched plots but none of them delved too far down the cringey angle for my liking.  Actually, my fellow movie-goer's life was paralleled in one of the plotlines.  It was a bit too freaky re-telling of recent events in her life.  Yeah, there were annoying characters (the two Taylors who were clearly included to pull in a teenage audience) but they were never on the screen for too long for me to get punching urges.  Yep, there was blatant storyline-stealing (or 'inspiration' if you want be euphemistic about it) from Love Actually but the Americans are known for remaking successful films which are lacking to the original  *ahem, The Departed*. A lot of critics lambaste the film for poor character development.  Are you serious?  This was never going to be anything Oscar worthy.  

Valentine's Day was always going to be a poor man's Love Actually and as long as you go into the film with that mindset, you'll enjoy the film for what it is - fluffy, heart-warming, light entertainment.  *awwwwwww* & *hugs* :D


mallymoodle said...

Hmmmm...I'll still pass :P

SuBoo said...

Mmm I thought it was orrite... but definitely no Love Actually. I wouldn't watch it again but at least I didn't fall asleep like one of the group I went to see it with hehe

Anonymous said...

I still like LOVE ACTUALLY THE MOST but this isn't that bad....quite enjoyable!
