Sunday, February 21, 2010

Adriano Zumbo

This post is especially dedicated to J who is living vicariously through me as I wafted my way down to visit Adriano Zumbo's patisserie and cafe in Balmain.  You see, J fell in love with Adriano Zumbo and his pastry creations after stumbling on to his website.  Since then she has been on my case.  "Make sure you visit Adriano Zumbo when you're in Sydney!!!  Plllllleeeeeeeeeaaazzzzzzzzze!!  Did you go?  Did you go?  Oh noes you didn't." *sad J face*

I didn't quite have enough time on my previous trip and so I was adamant I fulfill J's wishes this time around and of course sample the tasty tidbits too.  I dragged ##s and Nelsie down from their neighbouring Annandale apartment (so close yet they'd never been!) and checked out the goods on offer.  For anyone who fears Sydney's public transport and generally has a poor sense of direction, well you're gonna have to get over it because the easiest way to get to Adriano's cafe/patisserie if you don't have a car involves sitting on a bus. 

First thing first - the patisserie is miniscule.  It is about the width of J's Paddington bedroom (hehehe) and I estimate, only about 1.5 times the length.  No exaggeration.  For those who don't know J's bedroom, I would say the patisserie is akin to a narrow walk-in wardrobe which is wide enough to fit a single bed and about 30cms of space next to it.  I didn't do any research so I had quite the surprised face when I finally found the patisserie.
Savoury goods.

The sweet stuff.

Macarons.  Mmmmm I *heart* Macarons. 

Spoilt by the choices on offer, I did have quite a difficult time choosing my dessert.  The selection is seasonal and rightly so, as it makes more sense to utilise certain fruits at their peak.  I settled on the "Weekend in the Cross".
That sachet mimicking the illicit snorting powder - oooh, I liked the 'dirtyness' and 'Underbelly' feel of it.  I must say I was a wee bit disappointed in my tart.  The watermelon was so... watermelon-y that it left the brulee a bit mushy.  But it was refreshing nonetheless!

##s settled for the 'Google It, Real Life'.  NFI about the name.  This was num nums.  

Nelsie was bestowed the 'Not Too Shabby', a flourless, gluten free mousse layer cake. Oooh now this was num nums too!! 

Adriano Zumbo's cafe is located a few doors down from the patisserie but you are most welcome to purchase your desserts and bring them back to the cafe while you enjoy your coffee.  And indeed, that is what we did.  Num nums.  Don't worry J, I'll try and be there to take you next time!


mallymoodle said...

I *heart cake*

Anonymous said...

you are making me drool :p this makes me think about the pattiserie which was closed on Monday in Paris.....darn!
