Sunday, February 14, 2010

An Update

I haven't blogged anything lately because well, there has been nothing worth blogging.  My typical day for the past 2 weeks has been pretty much the same:

Wake up,
Run to train station,
Begin 30 minute ride to work,
Observe the change in socio-demographic as the train moves closer to my work destination,
Walk past the methadone clinic,
Do my job for 8 hours,
Take the train back to my accommodation,
Prepare dinner,
Eat dinner in front of TV (currently watching a lot of The Biggest Loser and My Kitchen Rules),
Gym (if I can be bothered),
Shower and finally

That's pretty much it as I'm working a 6 day schedule (by choice) and on my day off I sleep in and then have a wander around the city.  Yep, that's pretty much it. 

The only other notable things I've done are:
  • nurse a bottle of red for the past week, finally polishing it off earlier tonight. 
  • not progressed with my shrug knitting.  Too busy snoozing on the train.
  • pondered what the big deal is with Pandora jewelery.  I still don't know.
  • decided that Shannon Noll's song for the Biggest Loser them is kinda inspirational.  I'm a little embarrassed to admit that but it made me go out and buy a new pair of runners, gym outfit and sports bra.
That's pretty much it!  I'm due for a trip to Sydney in a week and in the usual fashion will see some good ol' friends and eat tonnes.  Yay! 


mallymoodle said...

If I wasn't partially employed, i could have taken time out ot hang with you in rAdelaide!

SuBoo said...

Agree about the song - I was planning on watching The Biggest Loser every night when on treadmill but somehow that hasn't quite eventuated :((