Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Shrug - Take 2

Well after my previous attempt to make a shrug, I've decided it's time to bring the knitting needles out of hibernation and try again this time with different pattern.  I'm hoping this will be less tedious than the previous shrug and knit up more quickly given the 'holes' in the lace pattern.

My shoulder span is the same as the pattern's author so I'm going to follow the instructions exactly as written and hope for the best.  I'm not going to commit hours on end of continuous knitting like the previous shrug but rather just knit in my spare time.  So while you probably won't see the finished product anytime soon, rest assured that I'm not killing myself trying to complete it asap.  I'm quite lucky that the nature of my work often gives me some 'quiet time' and more importantly, no eyebrows are raised when I pick up my knitting at work.
Here's a progress shot - yay I've finished the initial ribbing. 

Let's hope I don't have to frog this one too!

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