A trip to Sydney for me is never ever complete until I eat at the Fish Market. I really do pity the fools who 'don't like the taste/smell of fish/seafood'. You really need to live life people!
I met up with Tina and Shazza who were in town for the
UFC tournament (seriously, wtf?!). It was hot as usual and I kept Tina and Shazza waiting as I journeyed in from Ryde after getting my peepers checked by Stevie. This only whet Tina and Shazza's appetite for lobster noodles as they watched the lunch time crowd devour seafood delicacies around them. Mmmm, mmm, mmmmmmmmm I was more than happy to have lobster noodles!
Unfortunately *sniff* our intended main dish never made it to our stomachs as the minimum lobster available was 3kg. I was pretty ready to go ahead and order it but then Tina had a realisation - "Hang on, that's one kilogram of lobster each....without noodles!" Oh hmmm, it was a case of my eyes being bigger than my stomach.
Common sense got the better of us and we made the strategic team decision to let the lobster dish go. *sniff* Eat 1kg of lobster each and be too full to have nothing else or eat a larger selection of smaller seafood dishes? It's a pretty tough choice and I am still debating whether we went down the more satisfying path.
In the end we settled for a cold seafood platter (with lobster of course), 500gm of salmon and kingfish sashimi, grilled scallops, salt and pepper squid and oysters. The latter two dishes which I forgot to photograph.
Oh yeah baby. Me and my scallop babies.
I must also share my traumatic experience of the day.
In general, I do not like birds. I find them kinda creepy. In particular I detest seagulls and other aggressive birds. I HATE it when people feed the seagulls that mill around the eating areas at the fish market. This just encourages them to wait for food, looking at you with their beady, creepy eyes. The table next to us starting throwing the feathered scavengers some scraps and of course, this caused some commotion amongst the bickering birds. I actually was pretty annoyed and said fairly loudly "Oh, DON'T feed the biiiiiiirrrrrrddds!!!!!!!" It probably didn't matter because I don't think anyone on that table spoke English. Regardless, the practice is strongly discouraged with many 'DO NOT FEED THE BIRDS' signs in view.
I continued with my meal, holding my salmon sashimi in my chopsticks while chatting to Shazza. Tina went indoors to purchase more food. Unbeknownst to me, my food was being eyed by aggressive, little, beady eyes. *shiver* The next thing I knew, two or three seagulls (it happened too quickly!) SWOOPED on me and one of them snatched the sashimi from my chopsticks!!!! I swear my reflexes kicked in and I reckon I punched one of them in defence. Shazza was shocked. I was shocked. The table next to us were ... I dunno... eating their f**king faces out. Tina came back and we told him what happened and he laughed. Smee would have laughed too. I still don't think it's that funny but then again, I probably would laugh if it wasn't me!!! Moral of the story (do I really need to repeat it?) - DON'T FEED THE FREAKING BIRDS!!!!

I had to placate myself with a homemade ice cream sandwich. It did make me feel a little bit better. Just a little bit.
Despite this, I am not put off going to the fish market but I've learnt a valuable lesson - eat sashimi quickly!!!