Monday, April 05, 2010

Detour to DC

Having done most of the touristy stuff in NYC on our previous trip, Smee and I decided to do a whirlwind tour of DC.  I've actually been to DC before, having visited relos there about 10 years ago but you know, Smee needs to see the White House too!  We hit the road and made a pitstop for lunch.  Our meal choices were limited to bad pasta, Subway, Popeyes, Burger King and the like. 
We settled on some Popeye's chicken which satisfied Smee's cravings.  He soon regretted that choice.  I bought the Coke jug only because we would probably never see a jug that size ever again.  After eating our fried chicken, I figured we had already gone too far down a path of artery clogging and bought myself a half-pound Steakhouse XT burger.  Smee begged me to not buy it, but I insisted on trying to kill myself slowly. 

Continuing on with the drive, one of things we did enjoy in the Giant Car was the digital radio system. 
 All the touch-screen goodness made it very easy to scroll through the stations.  There was even an 80s music station! *thumbs up*

Another pitstop later, much to Smee's disapproval I picked up an Oreo Brownie.  I told Smee that I was just looking at the brownie, but it somehow ended up at the cashier desk.  Then I somehow exchanged cash for the brownie. 
Generally I like brownies and I was hoping that this brownie would give me happy vibes but all I felt was... sad-dy vibes.  I was sad because I realised that if I lived in the US, I would descend into Heifer-dom in no time.  Also, despite liking Oreo cookies the brownie itself was not that great.  I'm not sure if it was intentional or if it was part of the settling process but the sugar crystals were visible on my brownie.  I might as well have poured some sugar into a bowl, mixed it with oil and ate it all with a spoon. 

We finally reached DC about an hour later than intended due to the horrendous traffic jams.  We met up with my Cousin T and I got to meet his little ones and play with the latest addition to his family.
Oh hewo, Baby D, you are so cute! 

Tomorrow, the sights of DC! 

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