I'm going to start with what happened by the end of today. I'm having severe stomach issues. Correction - both me and Smee's brother are having stomach issues. Something we ate in Macau :S Smee escaped the food poisoning despite eating the same stuff. Curse him and his night market stomach! *muttering, muttering* Actually I'm quite envious of his iron stomach.
Our day began as planned as we mustered up all our strength to wake at 7am (on a holiday!) to catch an early ferry to Macau. I don't suffer from motion sickness but Smee does. The ferry ride was just over an hour and even for me who doesn't mind the ups and downs of a ferry, this was not a comfortable ride. The audible vomiting and snot-hawking from the surrounding tourists was just ... not pleasant.
After disembarking, we exchanged some cash as our HK dollars were of little use in a region where Pataca is the official currency. Pataca - cute word, like ... maracas! Hehe. We jumped into a taxi and set off into the city centre.
Now, I haven't been to Portugual yet (but I've been to Spain!) and Macau feels distinctly colonial in contrast to the Chinese metropolis of Hong Kong. It was weird to see all these Chinese people surrounded by architecture typically found on the Iberian peninsula.

The main square. Look at the background - I could be anywhere in Iberia!
Even the street signs are in Portuguese. Cool.
All that is left is the church facade after it burnt down in the 1800s.
Whenever I tried to take a photo, this was all I could see:

I haven't captured a Chinese camera stance in a while.
Of course, we hit the food stalls in search of foodie treasures.
Mmmmm... Portuguese Tarts. Oh, my dear tasty tart. Were you the source of my food poisoning?
Mmmmm... Pork Chop Bun. Oh, my dear tasty Pork Bun. Maybe you the source of my food poisoning? Mmmmm... flat, sweet, warm (key word here) Chinese pork jerky. Oh, my dear pork jerky. Could you be the source of my food poisoning? I did take a free sample. Maybe you just wanted to let me know that nothing in life comes without paying some sort of price? Mmmmm... bun from bakery (in Smee's hand). Were you the source of my food poisoning?*sigh* Whichever piece of food did it, it will remain a mystery.
We then climbed up the Fortaleza do Monte where I happily posed for this photo:
By then, I was getting a little grumpy with the bright sun, mild dehydration and general NQR feelings. I thought it was the after effects of the bumpy ride and drank a bit of water.
Avoiding the sun but with grumpy face intact.
The water made a slight difference but by the time we were ready to get back on the ferry, I definitely felt nauseous. Being the pragmatist, I forced myself to vomit in preparation for the ferry ride back. *thumbs up* Yes, yes that did give me mild relief. By the time we docked back in Hong Kong, I was a ball of grumpiness and had to return to the hotel where the usual food poisoning traits ensued.
I slept for the rest of the afternoon and only woke to meet up with friends who I hadn't seen in three years. Aaah they were so nice and took me out for congee. Let's hope I'm better tomorrow - there's eating to be done!