Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hong Kong..... from the hotel room

Well, I felt better much today but to play on the safe side I decided to stick to the 'asian sick people diet' of congee. *sigh* Very upset at missing out on the seafood/fried food/general over-eating.

Not wanting to totally waste my food opportunities, I thought, 'Hey, I'll have a guilinggao.' It's a sick people food, I guess. I got the version for tummy upsets. I don't really pay attention to the whole yin/yang thing with food but it does feel a lot better to eat warm foods when having stomach issues, so I got my jelly heated. Of course, it also tastes better slightly sweetened, so a bit of honey was added. Honey is sick people friendly! Mmmmm it sure felt good to eat that. Slippery, sweet, warming jelly. Tummy so warm. *rub rub*

Well about... oh I dunno... an hour later, I had to return to the hotel. Stomach cramps.... so.........nnnghhh...... pain....ful! *clutches stomach* It was tiring and I had to sleep for the rest of the afternoon. So here I am.. in the hotel room.... *sigh*

I also realise, I don't really like taking those small, brown, traditional Chinese medicine pills. It just seems to have the same effect as Imodium. Not liking that at all...

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