Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Knitting Projects Completed

Well since I picked up the sticks, I've just stuck to a few simple projects. Three scarves in fact. You can never be short on scarves in London.

My moss stitch scarf.

Using a thick yarn and big sticks, this was completed very quickly. I didn't realise how bulky it would be and when I wear it, I get sweaty!

The scarf.... slowly suffocating me.

I think I might have to 'frog' it (oooh knitting slang!) and knit it up again and make it less bulky.

My waffle scarf. Oooh I do like this one. The free pattern can be found here.

Another scarf. *yawn* It was made with the thought of giving it to a man. I might just force this upon Spuey.

Once you've mastered the scarf, it does get a bit boring. I feel the need to be challenged. I think I'll try a hat next.

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