Monday, September 18, 2006

Leesh and Mona's Ducky Dinner

Well, I wasn't back in Melb for this one, but here are photos of Leesh and Mona's going away dinner which was held at Da Hu Peking Duck restaurant. I was kinda looking forward to trying out the place but then I heard some not so rave reviews, courtesy of Kahoons. Not really about the food, but rather how rude the manager was to everyone and whingeing about table numbers.

You can take the boy out of Hong Kong, but you cant take the Honkie out of the boy.

Tina and Leesh

Two Tinas

"Anyone need crack" AH and Leesh.

PT's hubby, PT and co.

Mummy Leesh and her two babies, Mona and Bao.

A nice looking photo of LT and Leesh.

The ANZ crew. Hi Meme!

CC, Leesh and Kahoons finish up the rounds of photos.

Anyhow, Leesh says she'll be blogging her adventures in Europe (I've added a link) and hopefully Mona and Bao will get a move on with their blogs too!

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