Monday, August 28, 2006

Dinner time

Eating alone is difficult, especially when you're only staying in one place for four weeks. Too long to eat out every night, too short to bother stocking up the kitchen. As demonstrated with last night's dinner (two chicken pies), it's easy to fall into the trap of eating crap.

In the spirit of anti-crap, I ate something relatively healthy tonight in order to compensate for the gym deficit. Ok, so I admit, half of it was instant pasta, but look! LOOK! I had salad too!

I didn't realise I cooked so much until it was all on the plate. I nearly vomited trying to finish it all. I was intending on eating some yoghurt for dessert, but I think I'll leave that for tomorrow night.

Two upsetting things happened today:
  1. My ipod DIED on the bus while I was on the bus home. It just totally crashed and I cant access any of the songs. I can't reset it and I can't plug it up to my laptop because I don't have the cable.
  2. Just after my ipod died, it started pouring with rain - not just pitter-patter showers, but proper thunderstorms with lightning. I think the Gold Coast felt my pain and hence, rained in empathy. Lucky I had an umbrella!

Ok, back to watching Grey's Anatomy.

I just realised I've posted blogs for three consecutive days. This must be a testament to how much time I have. Or a demonstration on how poorly I rank my priorities. There are still dishes to wash and Foxtel to channel surf.

**Final note: I didn't include this pic in my previous posts, cos there were too many photos of me and Bao! But I've had a special request to include one more pic of our 'cute' posing and shiny shiny hair.


Anonymous said...

You bella-rinas are sooooo HOT!!!

Anonymous said...

I love you babe! ;P

Anonymous said...

Frannie - go here - your ipod isn't dead it just crashed. AC

Pooey said...

thanks leesh, but i tried that already. my poddy has a symbol with folder and exclamation mark on it. i think i might have to restore it's settings, and it's making a funny clicking noise