Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Sydney Adventure Time

It's been a while since I've been back to Sydney. A whole lotta friends I hadn't seen in years and a whole lotta food I hadn't eaten in years. Well I didn't photo-document all the catch-ups with friends (you know I luv you guys!) but food sits still and likes to pose, so yep, there's lots of foodie pics.

First meal in Sydney was at the Fish Markets. It was pretty much a case of dropping our bags at the hotel and going straight to the markets.

Oh how I bask in your glory, my wonderful wonderful sashimi.

Must...... eat..... 1kg...... of...... pippies!!!

Aah why not? Some oysters too.

That was for lunch. For dinner (not too many hours later) we stopped by at the best ramen place (IMHO) in Sydney, Menya. The standards did drop the last time I ate there but it's been a long hiatus and well, ramen in London is just plain ol' crap. Even if Menya wasn't as good as it used to be, it was still going to be a billion times better than anything I could find in London.

To my absolute delight, it seemed as though Menya is back to it's f**king fantastic self! I got a bit greedy and ordered the Mega Ramen with the tonkotsu base. Yes, the Mega Ramen. Yes, double the volume of noodles. Yes it costs $15 but dammit, I just wanted my craving to be satiated.

Each slurp of the broth was interjected with a "This is so f**king goooood". I think I did pretty well with my attempt to eat the double serving of ramen. Smee actually had to hold me back from over-eating. Later I caught up with my darling Ling-Ling who is just the same as ever! *muah!*

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