Sunday, May 18, 2008

Paris!! Again!! Revisiting the Notre Dame

Having done the typical sights on my first trip to Paris, there was ample time to dilly-dally rather than follow a strict tourist itinerary. One of the things I didn't get to do last time was go up inside Notre Dame. Now there was plenty time to wait in a queue. Like many other churches in Europe the stairwell was narrow but it was a relatively easy climb when compared to the Basilica in Rome.

It wasn't a crowded climb either. The good thing is only about 30-40 people are allowed through to the viewing platform at any one time, hence the long queue. Patience my friend, patience!

Gargoyles to the max.

Moo and I impersonating each other again. Pointing to the Eiffel Tower now.

More gargolyes.

What? More doppleganger posing.

The view of Sacré-Cœur in Montmartre.

A small food festival had set itself up at the front of the church and the wafting smell of baking bread brought Moo and I inside the marquee where a makeshift bakery had been set up.

Bakers oblivious to all the tourists inside.

Some fancy looking bread before and after baking.

Mooey had one more thing to tick off her list - eating Berthillon ice cream. The actual street where the original store is situated is flanked with other Berthillon-stores which were just cashing in on the name.

The queue outside the store. I chopped off the heads.

Us and our ice cream. Yay!

Well, that's it from my second time in Paris. I might go back again soon... it's so close to London!

1 comment:

mallymoodle said...

Hey, I'd forgotten the arty bread!