Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bai Mooey

Yesterday was Mooey's last full day in London so amongst all other things to do, we had lunchies at Borough Market. How can she not go here after seeing what Spuey ate when he was here! Read her blog, she enjoyed herself.

Our nibblies: Mooey's Three Posh Bangers in a Roll. My pork, applesauce and stuffing roll. Smee's fish and chips. A portuguese tart.

Mooey and the Tart.

Something I've been meaning to do for AGES is visit Platform 9 3/4. AGES! But I kept forgetting. It's kinda nice the the City of London council put this thing up. Or maybe it was the rail company who were sick of people always asking for the (previously) non-existent sign. I was even more impressed to see half a trolley making it's way into the wall to greet the Hogwarts Express.

The Harry Potter Shrine.

Mooey and I making our way in. Look how we accessorised the trolley basket with real life shopping.

After dinner at our cousin's, Mooey had to pack her stuff.

She thoughtfully left me her shoes in our bin.

Today, I took Mooey to Heathrow, where we had to scoff down sandwiches (I really wanted a Whopper though) for her to board in time.

Me shoving Mooey into the Departure gate. Mooey taking my coat ('orange isn't me!' she says) with her.

Bai bai Moo!

1 comment:

mallymoodle said...

Orange isnt me! Look at all my clothes - there wasn't orange in it previously!

I look like a muppet in that coat!