Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Hmmm what can I say? This is not so much a book review rather than a collection of thoughts related to my reading of HP #7. What on earth am I going to read now that Harry Potter is finished?!?!
I can't really talk about prose, plot (maybe), character idiosyncrasies or flaws with my current Yes/No book rating. So, I'll start with the Yes/No should-YOU-read-it critique ..... and it's a......

.............*drum roll*............

'Yes' rating from me. Duh, of course I'm going to read it and I would want others to as well.

Usually I would give a brief synopsis but I decided that there shall be no spoilers here. You can go to Wikipedia for that.

Now, unlike the masses, I did not line up at midnight to purchase the book. This was for two reasons. The first was that I knew Moo was buying a copy and although she is on the other side of the planet, I have this 'what's-hers-is-mine' attitude and I refuse - REFUSE - to buy the same book she has. I am not one for a superfluous supply of books. Or superfluous anything for that matter - exceptions to the rule include clothes, shoes and handbags.

The second reason is that I was still ploughing my way through 1421 and I hate not finishing a book before starting a new (unless the book is THAT bad).

Oh, I have a third reason. We went out the night of the book release and I was a little tipsy and had to catch the last tube home. This was the night of singing to hamburgers in GBK.

By the time I began reading HP it was already September and I had managed to avoid all the spoilers. It was VERY upsetting when people took great pleasure in trying to spoil it for me. VERY UPSETTING. Credits go to crazy laffing Mooey and Kt in her emails. All I can say is that I enjoyed this book and hats off to JK Rowling for laying it to rest in a most satisfying manner.

My main criticism is that I felt it dragged on a bit in the middle which made the conclusion feel somewhat rushed. But then I think about it again, it wasn't rushed, she had to write seven other books to get this far. All I could think about was the translation to the big screen. A sudden adrenalin rush in the final 15-20 minutes of the movie.

I've decided to change my rating scale from the basic Yes/No system to include quality of content, readability and who I would recommend this book to, if at all.

Admittedly, it will be difficult to obtain a 5 in either category. I will note that in Readability, Value 1 that 'bare' was used instead of 'bear'. This is the fault of me taking the scale from someone else who can't spell!

So for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

Quality of content is 4.
Readability is a 4 - 5.
Would I recommend this book: A big fat YES!
Who to: EVERYONE! I don't care that you don't like Potter, I want you to read it!

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