Friday, February 16, 2007

Gabrielle's Restaurant

Friday's dinner was at Gabrielle's, a French restaurant on Heddon St. The food was well.... food. The staff were nice, it wasn't over crowded, the food was palatable and definitely far from the worst meal I've experienced. Just in case anyone is interested, I had the chicken breast stuffed with spinach and mozzarella. Maybe I could eat there again but I think it helped that we had a 50% off deal on our dinner hehe.

Tonight was the night for Baoey to taunt Lil Miss J with her scary face, to listen to everyone's skiing stories and for me to reassure everyone that they weren't being replaced with the crazy bisexual girl. A few photos:

Baoey giving a toast to the end of the week and to her ability to morph into a different person in interviews.

Yum!!! My and Lil Miss J's blurry apple pie.

Leesh's ice cream.

Bao and her creme brulee.

Mona's chocolate pudding.

Mr L's cheese 'dessert'

Nothing else exciting otherwise. We didn't manage to top it off with drinks at a bar. A good night's rest was all we needed.

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