Saturday, December 03, 2011

McDonalds in Asia Rocks

A shout out to SuBoo for showering me with some gifts from McDonalds.  SuBoo just happened to be flying in from Hong Kong for the weekend and these toys were just released before her arrival so I think that it's fate that I should be the recipient. 
 Hello Kitty on the side. 

McDonald characters on the other side.  What the hell is Grimace anyway?  

The back of the boxes.  So much effort.   

Hello Kitty dressed up as the McDonaldland characters.

These 'toys' are just too good to unwrap so I am going to be a Comic Book/Star Trek/Star Wars nerd and leave them in their original packaging, never to be opened.  Fanks SuBoo!


mallymoodle said...


huh. word verification = congo

SuBoo said...

Glad you like them :)
Very late comment I know - but still glad!