Saturday, October 08, 2011

Eating With Moo

Moo's in town and that just means a whole lotta eating has got to be done.  On the way to afternoon tea with SEM and Leesh, Moo and J decided that they were hungry enough to contemplate pre-tea cake.  Ok guys, you go for it.  
After deciding that the Soho Hummingbird bakery wouldn't cut it, we walked in to the cafe next door and admired their cakes.  That is where Moo and J settled on a passionfruit meringue.... which J didn't end up eating after all!  It was brought to afternoon tea but we all ended up being too full of cake to eat anymore.  Soho is where I also picked up some unusually flavoured chocolate from Paul A Young.  Marmite or kalamansi chocolate anyone?  Actually the marmite one was quite naice!

Onto afternoon tea.  The venue chosen was Soho's Secret Tea Room.
It's a secret because... the sign outside is very small?  

Actually it is kinda secretive because the room is located upstairs of a very typical, grotty, British pub.  Once inside the pub, there is no obvious entry to the tearoom, instead you must notify the bar staff, who then telephone upstairs, confirm your booking and then allow you behind the bar, through the kitchen and up some narrow stairs.....  
.....into this quaint little room.  Lovely!  

We all had afternoon tea with various teas and a selection of sandwiches and cakes.  

Scones and more cakes. 

SEM slathered up a scone for me with clotted cream and homemade blueberry jam.  Yummy!  But not as yum as Fortnum and Mason's clotted cream.  In fact, well below par. 

Overall, it was a pretty average afternoon tea experience.  It wasn't outstanding but it wasn't bad and the bigger drawcard is the whole 'secret-business' of it all.  I do have the say, that the sandwich bread seemed a bit stale?  The cakes were all nice, especially the carrot cake.  Scones were warm and scone-y.  The cupcakes were nice but I think I was in sugar overload.  Hmmm, I think for now, I will stick to having afternoon tea at F&M.  Their clotted cream gives me nice dreams.  


mallymoodle said...

You forgot to say that the staff where we bought the passionfruit meringue was a snotty bitch! NEVER BUYING STUFF THERE AGAIN!!!

And you also forgot to say that the tea place let us take home the leftover cake! Yes, believe it or not, there was leftover cake!

Pooey said...

Yeah I forgot. Couldn't be bothered going into detail.

But yes, I forgot about the leftover cake!