Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I ♥ my hair!

So yeah, I did feel somewhat more masculine after going from the glamazon to the chop. But now, after looking at my mop in the mirror while washing my hands post pee-pee, I realised...... I LOVE MY HAIRCUT!

Maybe it's just the way it's sitting right now. Considering that I didn't blow dry it last night, I just woke up with it the way it is and didn't bother to run a comb through it.... it's still sitting 'just right' today.  The cut has settled in to it's new home (my head) and is the right amount of 'short' which is manageable yet feminine.  My fringe isn't too short and it looks like it has even a bit of volume in it.  The longer layers flick out at the bottom (usually one flicks in and one flicks out uuugggh) and the shorter layers are flicking in.  Yay! 

Wow... what a vacuous blog post. Sometimes a girl just needs to indulge in these kinds of revelations.

1 comment:

mallymoodle said...

That means she cut it well, and that it's the right hair cut for you!

Meanwhile, my hair is still long etc etc