Saturday, August 15, 2009


I forgot to post up photos of these LURRRVELY chocolates we bought in Krakow.  Ok, so one of them is actually Belgian but hey, Smee and I bought them in Krakow orrite? 

This is just blatant promotion which the chocolatiers should thank me for.  To the right there I've posted a pic of the Dolphin Dark Chocolate with Earl Grey tea leaves.  It might sound odd but it was actually very, very, VERY smooth and fragrant.  I wonder where I can buy this in London?  I haven't found it in Waitrose.  Might have to try Selfridges or Harrods but I'm too lazy.

Here is Krakow's own Kredens brand. Bison Grass milk chocolate!  I'm a big fan of Bison Grass (I ♥ Zubrowka) so of course I grabbed this off the shelf and shuffled off to the counter.  The verdict?  It probably helps that the chocolate itself was smooth *sigh* (Europeans do chocolate properly) and the grass just added that extra lovely aroma.  It was like eating a chocolate infused Tatanka aka Frisky Bison.  Yum!!

1 comment:

Lil Miss J said...

oooh sounds lovely...I am going to try and look for it too! I wanna try! mmm