Aaah so yes, I managed to finish the book in time for the release date of
The Time Traveler's Wife movie. I had no idea that a movie was being made so when I saw the poster with Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana I immediately wanted to watch it. Not that I am huge fans of either actors (
Poida!) but I give 'em respect.
Given that I have read the book, I'm not in a position to say whether the movie was confusing or not. Lil Miss J and I watched the movie anticipating certain events whereas Mr. L ... well, we weren't sure if Mr. L found it confusing. He told us afterwards that he didn't find it confusing but then again, he is quite the smart cookie.
I'm one of those people who hates it when movies based on a books completely alter the plot or destroy what made the book a success in the first place. Although that being said, some books just don't translate well to the big screen - by which, Hollywood should just leave it alone!
I'm not a fan of mushy, stupid chick flicks either. Sometimes I want the guy to just dump that dumbass biatch and move on! But this movie was well, it was always going to be different as I can't recall any other similar story. Anyway, I was quite content with the movie interpretation and it stayed quite faithful to the book. Of course there were some omissions and differences but I didn't feel that it affected the story enough to bother me. Lil Miss J had some mixed feelings but I don't think she hated it. (Lil Miss J, feel free to clarify).
Of the notable omissions was the sexual tension that had plagued Gomez and Clare after their dalliance in uni. Actually it was more unrequited love from Gomez's end. Admittedly I was quite glad that particular saga wasn't included because I thought it was somewhat unnecessary.
The other major omission was Mrs. Kim. She doesn't exist in the movie!! Where is my Azn Reprezentations?! [*side rant* Ugh, I hate that horrible, fake ghetto, azn pryde slang. What's with putting a 'y' in to spell 'pride'? Most of you guys live in affluent areas!] But I guess when it comes down it to, Mrs. Kim wasn't essential to the central plot.
Of the differences between the movie and book, I felt that Clare's hair wasn't red enough - it was more a dark, rusty brown in the movie. It's a personal opinion, but on a side matter I think Rachel McAdams looks better as a blonde while as a brunette looks washed out and anaemic. Henry and Clare's daughter Alba is blonde when instead she should have Henry's pigmented features. Where does the blonde come from? I'll put it down to their recessive genes.
How Alba was conceived changed from Clare having intercourse with a younger Henry while the 'current' Henry slept beside her to just plain 'doing it' in the car with a younger Henry. I was waiting for that scene -
Cool! Fornicating with your partner while another version of your partner lies next to you! It's like a safe version of being slutty! - but it didn't turn out as the book described. Not a terrible disappointment but I think it would've made for some light laughs.
Finally, the ending of the movie closes with Henry and Clare still fairly young and not with Clare as an aged woman who had waited for Henry since his passing in mid-life. Lil Miss J had waited and waited for that ending (she "loved that Clare was an old lady") but I actually didn't quite mind how the movie played it out. It was kinda bittersweet.
I could watch this again, (not over and over again, just 'again') but only because I did quite like reading the book. In a way, I'm glad I don't LOVE the book or else my fixed ideals would have ruined my enjoyment of the movie. For anyone who hasn't read the book, they might think the movie dragged a bit. Despite the not so rave reviews from the movie critics, I thought it to be a good effort!