Friday, April 25, 2008

Wicked - The Musical

Wicked was one of those musicals that I initially was eager to see but hadn't decided that it was essential viewing because I was more or less too lazy to look into buying tickets. But when someone else is organising tickets (hai SuBoo!) then you jump on the bandwagon.

Prior to any outside influences, I was quite interested to watch this and more so when I was told by others that it was quite good. Then someone, just this one person told me they didn't like it and while I realise now that we have utterly, utterly different tastes (and that I shouldn't have listened to them), it did impact my initial impressions of the musical.

I ended up sitting there during the first Act thinking to myself, 'I'm not enjoying this, I'm not enjoying this. This is crap.' After the intermission, I realised, 'Hey! I quite like this musical! The music and the story is orrite. I do like the second Act!' It was only when I got home, I figured 'Hey! It was quite good! I want to see it again!' *shakes fist at person who influenced my thoughts*

Here's a photo of the stage before the curtain was lifted.

I hear that a production of Wicked will be opening in Melbourne with Millsy as the lead male! Wahahaha.... only a select few people would find that funny. Oh yay, I wouldn't mind watching it in Oz!

As for the story, it tells us how the two witches in Oz met. I mean, I love The Wizard of Oz (not obsessesively) and the whole background story is appealing enough. Wikipedia is the source of all knowledge and you can read the synopsis here. The music was quite hmmmm Disney-like and yes, I am not ashamed to say it, I quite enjoy the Disney cartoon musicals. This opinion is very much based on the movie Aladdin (who is pretty damn hot for a cartoon character).

Anyway, Wicked, yes I did like it and I would like to see it again!

1 comment:

SuBoo said...

Hai Frannie!

I LOOOVE Wicked. I wanna go and see it for the 3rd time, maybe in Melb, but I can't bring myself to spend over $130 to see 2 Aussie Idols (Anthony Callea is Boq!), esp when I know you can get top seats in London for 30 quid.

I love Disney too! *YAY*