Saturday, June 25, 2011


When I told Tina and Shazza I'd be back in town for dinner, we decided to book Abla's as it's been on both of our to-eat lists for a while.  However, it will remain on our to-eat lists because Saturday dinners are booked until August!  Wtf.   
After deciding to stick to our Lebanese/Middle Eastern theme, we plus Spuey (who got excited cos he thought we got a reservation at Abla's) settled on Rumi which also has some outstanding reviews.

Arabic stencil separating us from the kitchen. 

For those in the know, Rumi featured on Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations Melbourne episode.  Matt Preston was his host for the city and by the looks of how much Matt was sweating, it was a sweltering day.
 Fast forward to 6.31 to see Anthony's thoughts on Rumi.  

We decided on the five course banquet at $45 a head.  It's a seasonal menu and pretty cheap by most standards.  The only thing that I really wanted to try were the succulent lamb ribs which Matt and Anthony raved, gnawed and licked their fingers over.  I quote - "Hands down the best f**king thing I've eaten in Melbourne so far."  That's a BIG statement. 
A Rumi 'course' consists of usually more than one plate of food.  So our entree consisted of some flat bread, dips, pickled vegies and sigara boregi – cheese filled pastry cigars.  Our second course included Persian meat balls, spiced school prawns and braised greens.

Cabbage and mint salad,  quail kebab with seasonal marinade (forgot what it was) and fried cauliflower.  I had read much about how good the cauliflower was here.  But in all honesty, it is what it is - fried cauliflower with sweet currants.  Neither Spu, Tina or Shazza felt the dish deserved the accolades it was receiving.  It's fried cauliflower FFS!

Freekeh salad, cos and herb salad.  It appears that they no longer serve lamb ribs but instead have spiced lamb shoulder.  It was dry roasted and served with a maltose syrup.  I was getting pretty excited about this... but it was just... ok.  Not bad, but nothing like the experience I was lead to believe I would have.  Mr. Bourdain and Mr. Preston - do you really know your stuff?

Dessert course - Turkish delight, arak poached apricots and either sweet Lebanese coffee or peppermint tea. These were nice but how much can a Lebanese restaurant screw up Turkish delight?

Overall, we were all pretty ho-hum about Rumi.  The food was good but not outstanding - none of us were  'enlightened' by the experience for sure.  We all agreed that we're probably not going eat there again anytime soon.  There's a good possibility that Rumi may be a victim of the TV exposure.  I suppose the restaurant was run off it's feet when that TV episode first aired back in 2009 and standards have probably declined since.

A little bit disappointed and still wanting something else to eat, I made Spuey drive us to Box Hill because I wanted some Asian dessert and I knew Monga Dessert House would be open.  I can see why people come here.  It's great for late night snacks, drinks and chatting.  However... I won't be coming back.  Like many other reviews, the desserts themselves weren't that great!
Spuey had the mango sago and I had the peanut glutinous ball tong sui.  The peanut balls were ok but the ginger soup was pretty bland.  Same with the mango sago.  Let me find a recipe!  I reckon I could make a better version!

Anyway, don't matter, there will be plenty of times to eat more food.... like tomorrow! 

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