Sunday, December 13, 2009

Exploring Cairns

I’ve got the day off today and thought I should use it to visit Rusty’s Market and stock up on tropical fruits.  No, not the Jamaican imports you’d find in Tesco, but locally grown goodies.   Heading out in the middle of the day ensured that I felt the maximum heat but hey, that’s what air-conditioning is for.

I have no idea what I’m meant to paying for produce (that’s what happens when you get used to UK supermarkets) but I’m convinced that $3.99/kg for lychees is pretty damn cheap.

$2 for a pineapple.

No wait… here are some for $1!!

WTF!!! Here are some more for 50 cents!

Suspect-shaped food likes to follow me as did this suspect-shaped mango. They ranged for $2 - $5/kg. 

I was dying for some sugar cane juice but they had ran out.  Poo!

I kinda went a little nuts and bought a large fruit supply which included an entire pineapple, a quarter of a watermelon, three mangoes, half a kilo of lychees and a bunch of sugar bananas.

All this for less than $20!  It was pretty heavy to carry :(  I was a little poo-pooed to find out that rambutans not yet in season.

After stocking up my fridge, I stopped by the beach again. :D The water was so warm, a lovely 27 degrees and didn't give you the ice chill fright of other south east coast beaches.

Heading back to Cairns central I was joined by a gelati cup.

I thought this was pretty cool - a free public pool in the city centre.

Tonight I ate the pineapple for dinner.  Not the most balanced meal but I didn’t want to keep my freshly cut pineapple overnight and I overestimated how full I would feel after eating the entire thing - I had planned to eat additional food afterwards!  Have you ever eaten so much pineapple that the acid starts to eat away at your mucous membranes?  Well  that’s what happened to me and Mr. Pineapple no longer remained enjoyable.  My lower lip started to puff up and sting.  Upon inspection, I observed some miniscule cuts.  I had to discard the final pieces after reaching breaking point.  Serves me right for pigging out on fresh fruit!


mallymoodle said...

Did you manage to eat all that fruit before it went off?

Pooey looks so happy to be away from cold London :D

SuBoo said...

Pineapple is so dangerous.

Lynn said...

i'm soooooooooooooo jealous! that lychee is mega cheap, in melb's it's about 9 - 12 dollars a kilo!

i have fruit envy.

Anonymous said...

Cairns is the weather and beach!
