Sunday, December 27, 2009

Daintree Rainforest

The other thing to tick off my list while in Cairns was to visit the Daintree Rainforest.  I'm not sure why I really wanted to go but I think it's a case of wanting to see a proper rainforest.  So I without the help of the internet but rather the help of the tourist information dude, I booked this tour.

Our little tour bus.

A bush turkey and me being a tourist. I didn't even know Australia had turkeys.

Where the waterfall met the sand. Look closely - there are fishies swimming.  Our tour guide told us to fill up our water bottles with the fresh water - ew, that's disgusting. 

We went on a bus cassowary hunt but didn't see any. Neither did we see any crocodiles on our boat ride.  Boo.

A local, sick and tired of finding dead cassowaries modified one of the street signs to alert the speeding drivers.

Cape Tribulation.  Named so after Captain Cook's troubles. 

Our final stop on the tour was the Daintree Discovery Centre.

One of the aerial walkways through the forest.

I made my way to the Canopy Tower.

Oh here's the tower.  Yep I went right up to the top.

Not the most flattering photo but just wanted to make sure that you knew I was in a rainforest.

If I knew how to use an SLR properly (more importantly - had one with me) then surely today would have been a nice day to take some super-nice photos.  The tour itself was a bit vexing but that was more because I felt the tour guide was making up facts along the way.  Did I say so on my feedback form?  Of course not!  I don't want them calling me to discuss my feedback - I just ticked the 'I'll use your company again' box. 

1 comment:

Spu said...

Australia has turkeys??