Sunday, September 20, 2009

Paris, Je T'aime .... *happy sigh*

With showers predicted for today, we decided indoor activities were our best bet.  We awoke to a hazy, cloudy sky but the worst part was that we rose one hour later than intended because Fen-Fen and I both forgot to adjust our alarms for Paris time!  Doh! *slaps forehead*  Now we would have to battle the queue at the Louvre!

Despite being somewhat behind with our intended schedule, it didn't deter us from grabbing breakfast at the nearby crepe cart.  Mmmmm... num nums.  After reviewing the menu and eyeing  the large tub of nutella, we opted for the most sensible, less dessert-y option and ordered the more breakfast-appropriate jambon et fromage crepe.  Mmmmm.... warm melted cheese and ham... all wrapped up in a crepe freshly made before our hungry eyes. 

Fen-fen and her creperie goodness. 

We still had time for a cheesy photo.  The Queen of Cheese!  Look, look! I'm touching the top of the Louvre pyramid! 

The Louvre is well... the Louvre.  A huge museum which you could easily spend a day, if it all hasn't become too much for you by the three hour mark.  If that's the case, you start not appreciating the works and best be off getting out of there. 

We walked past the Virgin on the Rocks which I noticed hardly any tourists bother to stop for, preferring to cram themselves into the room displaying the Mona Lisa.  Even though I've seen it before, I couldn't help my lame tourist urges and eventually pushed my way to the front.  Hey, I had to help Fen-Fen get there too!

The crowd at the Venus de Milo.  I wish she never lost her arms :(

We somehow ended up in the African/Oceanic art display and I saw a most cool porcupine and found my long lost Moai brother.

Fen-Fen enjoying the excess and luxury that is within the walls of Napoleon's apartment. 

Psyche and Cupid and hmmm a scary sculpture of some knight's tomb.

We finished up at the Louvre and ventured outdoors.  Paris must love me long time because it hadn't rained at all and in fact she ruvs me so much, she decided to bring out the sun and glorious blue skies :D  So off we headed to Montmartre, famous for the Sacré Cœur,

Lunch for the day (ok it was intended as just a snack) was crepe no. 2. I succumbed to my yearnings and got my nutella crepe fix.

Enjoying my crepe while the Sacré Cœur Basilica watches over me.  Yes, yes indeed - I am in Paris! 

Here I am being cheesy near one of the water fountains under the basilica.  We arrived in time for some live French comedy and the crowd were beginning to nestle in to their grass patches.

The worst street buskers I have ever seen.  They gave the impression they would perform some good break dancing when in fact they were just masters of bad and boring dancing.

Oh, this guy was much better.  Balancing a spinning soccer ball while atop a lamp post.

After viewing the inside of the Sacré Cœur, we made our way behind to the artists area, Place du Tetre.  

Hmmm which piece shall I buy?

An artist.....                                                            ...another artist....

.... yet another artist... Can't... stop... taking... photos!!

Fen-fen and I in our exploration, wandered through some back streets.  We were so pleased with ourselves for finding these two buskers entertaining the small crowd with their accordion and violin. 

*sigh*  So Parisian... so relaxing to listen to while sitting under our shady tree.  *sigh* So Amelie-esque...

The heat just begged, begged, BEGGED me to buy an ice-cream.  Ok, it didn't really beg me that much.  But how could I bypass canteloupe flavoured soft serve?  Yummy!

The crowd for the live French stand-up comedy seemed to have multiplied by the time we left Montmartre.  Off we headed for the red-light district.

Tick!  I can now take the Moulin Rouge off my list.  We considered watching a show but decided we didn't care enough to blow more than €100. 

Our next hardcore tourist destination was the Arc de Triomphe

Yes, Tutankhamun lives nearby....

The same deal we got yesterday at Versailles applied today at the Arc de Triomphe today - free entry!  Yay for the Europeans celebrating..... something! 

We climbed the steps and enjoyed the view.  It was a bit hazy but I'm not complaining.

I see Fen-Fen is challenging me for the Queen of Cheesy Tourist Photos!

It was dinner time when we finally descended and although we should have steered clear of eating on the touristy Champs Elysees, it was by far the most convenient option.  So what did we eat?  Belgian food of course!  *looks side to side*  We chowed down at Leons, the French branch of the restaurant that Smee and I ate at while in Brussels.

I had a hankering for mussels while Fen-Fen had the carbonnade.  My mussels were small by Aussie standards - it seems the Europeans don't really do big mussels.  Dessert was pineapple (I really needed fruit) and Fen-Fen wanted a beer!  We then happily sent our tummies back to the hotel for a well-earned rest in preparation for our final day in Paris. 

1 comment:

mallymoodle said...

Mmmm, crepe-fest!
Num NUM!!!