Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Night out with the Kiddies

Well, well, well.... the mishap on Friday night cast many shadows of doubt on whether I would/should go to BLVD. I had all day to mentally prepare myself for the likely outcome of me staying at home and *sob* not going to the Asian RnB night that we have been deprived of since being in London.

I'm happy to say and the evidence of Facebook photos showed that I did indeed go and have a hang at BLVD. My feet were somewhat comfortable in a pair of low heels although I did limp from the carpark like the Lil Trooper that I am.

You can all refer to Moo's blog to read about the tragics we saw. What is it with people in nightclubs wearing ridiculous things and thinking they're genuinely cool? Don't you all realise others are laughing at you?

So, yes I did have fun last night, but given that average age of us was closer to 30 than 25 and the average age of the rest of the club was 18-19, I did feel a tad bit old. Ok, not a tad bit - I felt REALLY old. Really clinging onto my youth there. Another observation was that at times, I didn't recognise a lot of the songs played. Hence, either the music was shite or I am out of touch. But I guess I can't expect the DJ to play 'Too Close' by Next, 112, or anything that was on the hitlist from my time in first year uni. Yes, um ok, I am out of touch.

I'm surprised I didn't see any of my younger cousins at BLVD. You know, cousins whom I held as newborns. Maybe they know cooler clubs than BLVD?

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