Monday, October 15, 2007

Book Review: Freakonomics

Given my recent (cough) "career change", one would think that I should have a pointed interest in matters of the financial nature. Hmmmmmmm....well, hmmmmmmmmmmm, look that stuff really doesn't tickle my fancy.

This is where Freakonomics comes to the rescue. Economics for the masses. Or more correctly, economics for the uninterested folk like me. Which errmmm I guess is the masses.

The basic gist of the book applies the principles of economics to establish a relationship between things that would be seemingly unrelated otherwise. I won't bother listing the questions they ask, if you really want to know, go to the Wiki entry.

I do like the quirkiness of it all. I like how the book wasn't filled with numbers and statistics; just simple explanations to draw conclusions from the most bizarre questions. I also do like how they use economics to undermine common anxieties, highlighting how stupid we all really can be and succumbing to fear mongering and scare tactics.

Whilst I don't doubt that Freakonomics has it's critics, I was rather disappointed that this book had come to an end. I really did want it to be longer! Even if this book was full of lies, I would still find it engaging and enjoyable.

Ok, enough praise, here's the verdict. Do remember it is very hard to get a 5 with my grading scale.

Quality of Content: 4 - 4.5
Readability: 4
Would I recommend this book: Duh, yes.
Who to: Everyone except for those who have particular difficulty grasping concepts of any kind.

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