I have a bit of a 'thing' for Madame Tussauds. This London visit is my third time to the museum after two visits to the Hong Kong one. I guess this is as close I get to being a celebrity. Here are a few happy snaps:
Spot the Supermodel.
With the hometown hero, Kylie.
Me trying with look tough with Samuel L but instead looking retarded.
Smee doing a better job.
Posh and Becks.
Christina Aguilera is really small! Nice, pert buns.
Brad Pitt looked really gross and leathery. Some other sneaky tourist's hand around Angelina.
I can't stand Tom Cruise. What I really wanted to do here was punch the air, a la Oprah-style but that would've been a bit too embarrassing.
Johnny Depp's wax figure looked very realistic!
Yes, I can be THE Asian Buffy. I soooo want to be so. I think Buffy and I are the same dress size!
Smee giving Robin Williams a tip.
Eww, what is that ferret doing on Queen Elizabeth's arm?
Me and two princes. They're tall but not that tall (I'm not that short) but their wax figures were slightly elevated.
Smee demonstrating freedom of political opinion.
And now declaring his support for Nazi's.
Smee and I also took the 'Chamber Live' option whereby 'wax' figures come to life and scare the shit out of you. It did tweak the adrenaline strings but my lack of screaming was well-compensated for by Smee's yelps.
Madame Tussaud's real name.
How Madame began her work - making death masks of guillotine victims. Hmmmm savoury.
Death masks of Louis XVI on the far left and Marie Antoinette on the far right.
Even though the London wax museum was far better than the Hong Kong exhibition, we surprisingly we didn't stay longer than 1.5 hours. After wandering through the indoor maze, the exhibition ended with a lame planetarium animation about celebrities. Judging from the lack of photos, I guess this means I wont be heading back to the wax museum for a while.
Another thing that needed a big tick on the tourist list was a visit to Buckingham Palace. Well, I expected it to be not-so-big and yep, that was the case. It was a Sunday, so no changing of the guard and the weather was starting to turn windy and cold. Brrrrrr....
A Palace Guard.
Outside the palace.
Smee and I then had a wander through St. James Park (I love the Wiki!) where we felt at one with squirrels and ducks.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... roast duck.

Here's my poo bum face after being forced to pose in the cold on the way home.

Never one to miss a food photo opportunity, here's our post Madame Tussaud's 'snack'.
Always room for dessert, here are some yummy mochi balls. Mochi balls are so nice to touch, just like a boob. Is £1.50 per mochi ball expensive? It sure doesn't sound cheap especially after it's converted to AU$3.75. Anyway whenever I get another mochi ball craving I will be returning to this store.