Sunday, March 11, 2007

Friday Night at the Big Chill

No photos for tonight. Poo bum.

Smee, Bao, Mona and I brought our ABC magic to a BBC gathering. That's the lame-o acronym for Australian Born Chinese (ok so technically we're not all Chinese but we look it, ok?) and British Born Chinese for the unaquainted.

Drinks were for some BBC guy's 30th (at the Big Chill House near King's Cross. While I was mildly impressed with the 'cool' font they used on their website, the actual place was nothing particularly special. I guess it is a bit silly to set one's expectation on the basis of a font anyway. Why does everything seem to remind me of Bimbo Deluxe? I think it's the couches.

Anyway, I was not going to blog about this uneventful event, except that it was slightly eventful. But I won't bother to go into details in case someone gets embarrassed. Aaaaah so mysterious, I am.

Oh and yes, we finally found some passable Viet food. The reviews aren't all that convincing and deservedly so, but I haven't had pho in so long that I was willing to overlook the rehydrated-almost-stiff rice noodles. For some reason they didn't have the Special Beef I wanted so dearly, thus I settled for the rare beef, flank and tripe instead. Brisket, beef balls, tendons and extra onion helpings would've been a lovely addition. I do give them credit for having proper thai basil and fresh beanshoots. Baoey had the Bun Bo Hue and I have to say, her dish was much better than mine. She was so happy to have Cha Lua!!! Next time I go back, I'm gonna have her noodles.

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