Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pho-ing with Smee

Smee has a few tasks to complete while back in Oz.  Eating pho is pretty high up on that list.  I already had my lunch for the day so I merely functioned as an escort.
Look at his face.  So happy.

Smee's favourite place is Pho Dzung or as he affectionately calls it 'Chicken and Cow Pho' due to the  laughing cow and chicken in their logo.  My last experience of eating here was tainted by the fact they chlorine bleached their chopsticks.  How did I know?  After dipping my chopsticks into the broth to collect some noodles and bringing it to my mouth, there was the unmistakable smell.  Needless to say, I lost my appetite and have avoided the place since.  Well, they seemed to have redeemed themselves as I can report that their chopsticks no longer smell of bleach.  They've solved the need to 'bleach' their chopsticks by replacing the typical restaurant yellowy chopsticks with black ones.  Asian smartness!


SuBoo said...

Good old Cock and Bull!

Temz said...

Hiya - how are things? you're not going to believe this but i ate there back in early dec! a local gave me the recommendation... i enjoyed it but have to say that place in canada water is still the best i've ever tasted. My local was not impressed when i told him that and says next time i'm in town i have to head to a place the 'burbs to give it another go.

Pooey said...

Hi Temzy! Did you eat at the one in the CBD? The only decent one in the CBD would be Mekong.

We were in Richmond. It's not the best in my books but it's still better than any in London! Look at the extra condiments! Extra meat additions of tripe, beef tendon, pepper sausage etc.

Not only that, but if you didn't think it was good, at least there is the option of trying the next restaurant down the street (assuming you are in a Viet area). A luxury certainly not available in London.