Saturday, December 18, 2010

Being Appreciated

I like my job.  It is definitely not the passion of my life but for what it is, I get a decent income, I never take my work home with me and relatively speaking, it's kinda stress-free.  However my work is heavy on people interaction and if you have a poor bedside manner.. well, you really shouldn't do this job.  That being said, members of the public can be very, very annoying at times and often my tolerance is taken to the limit when I get a bunch of mentally and emotionally draining ones.

Today was my last day of working three weeks at this particular place and upon leaving was given a bunch of flowers.  :D  It sure is nice to be appreciated and the ego boost doesn't hurt either!
They were pretty adamant they didn't want their full-timer to return from holiday.  He sounds pretty shite.


SuBoo said...

LOL they must reaaaaallly love you or reaaaallly hate him

Pooey said...

A bit of both I think.... I am pretty lovable you know hehe

He sounds really really shit though (he made staff cry) and I guess it's all relative. Anyone would be better than him!!

mallymoodle said...

It's true, we do ruv Pooey more than mean cry-making men!

Unknown said...

A job well done!