Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kt's Milestone

Kt was hitting a milestone, so what do we do?  Go to a bar and celebrate in style with martinis all around!

1...2...3...4!!!  Yes, we are proof that age is no barrier to cheesiness and lame posing.

Speaking of cheese, anyone up for crumbed-coated, fried camembert?  I, along with about 50% of the crew ordered this for our starter expecting a small portion ... not an entire cheese round!

But I must thank the person who thought of frying camembert because it was just simply delicious and not as heavy as I expected.  Excuse me while I give myself a slow heart attack. 

I ate the whole thing!  That is pretty disgusting when you think about it, but I was staa@.@rrrving, it was yummy and my red wine hopefully countered all the bad effects. *looks side to side*

I forgot to photograph my grilled salmon main.  It was nice but nothing significant.  But yee-haw, I was looking forward to dessert - pavlova.

J and I were a little disappointed.  It wasn't a proper pavlova - it was just two meringues and cream!  None of that fluffy egg white business.  :(

For whom we did not have a special cake, Kt was given her own special pav with candles.  Awwww... *clap clap*

We stayed until the music started going bizarro after which the bright glow of artificial light signaled that we were no longer welcome and we should head off to our respective beds.  Finally, I also must thank Kt (fanks babe!!) for her super-generosity for providing our nutrients for the night!  Happy, happy birthday babe! *clap clap*


Lynn said...

i'm sorry, but fried camembert sounds really gross!!!! i can't believe so many of u ordered it and that it was good!

mallymoodle said...

No! it really is delicious!