Thursday, January 01, 2009

Saatchi Gallery

Smee and I had noted this exhibition about new Chinese art in the paper but forgot all about until the final week. There we some very interesting displays which you can read about on the above link but here are some of my highlights:

A model of some renowned buildings including St Pauls Cathedral. But it's made of doggy chews!

A painting of some world leaders together. The smart bit is - Mao Tse Tung and Winston Churchill never sat down for this picture! *gasp!*

No, that's not a real man on the floor. Nor a real angel (I like how the wings look like chicken wings).

Big naked woman.

A little macabre. People hanging upside down. But they're not dead, it's all just symbolism for something... something...

The following exhibit is pretty much the reason why we went to the museum. Imagine a whole bunch of world leaders as a bunch of geriatrics in a nursing home. All are confined to wheelchairs. Well there's not need to imagine, they're here!

Me thinks that's Yasser Arafat.

Me thinks that's Fidel Castro.

Not being all that knowledgable about political leaders, I couldn't really identify many of the others. I think there was a Mao and Saddam, but to me, it didn't really look like Mao or Saddam.

The video below shows how the exhibit was set up. I say it's pretty cool!


J said...

That wheelchair exhibition is kinda creepy

mallymoodle said...

wah, pooey does cultural stuffs!