Saturday, September 27, 2008

Borough Market Disappoints

I do my enjoy my eating times at Borough but today *tsk tsk* they let me down.

Look at this sorry excuse for a baguette.

Doesn't look appetising eh? The worst part is that it is meant to be one of the ultimate sandwiches, the Vietnamese Banh Mi or as I affectionately call it; the 'Poison Pork Roll', the media tag it attained after being the centre of a gastroenteritis outbreak.

The photo doesn't really demonstrate so, but it is only about the size of a side dinner roll. The ingredients were a bit suspect too.

I opted for the prawn wrap available outside at Applebee's. Lettuce and garlic mayo were included.

Now, Borough Market has a reputation for a being an organic, fresh food (not mutually inclusive) market which serves decent fodder. These prawns were clearly the frozen and probably foreign variety. The taste and texture were a giveaway. You know how frozen prawns (especially the pre-peeled ones) kinda taste NQR and are somewhat rubbery? Like they've been treated with some sort of chemical/preservative? That's how these prawns tasted... bleh. The garlic sauce covered it up a bit but still..... bleh!

I'll have to go back again and eat something else to compensate for meal I had today.

1 comment:

mallymoodle said...

Until I read the sign, I thought the banh mi was a fish.