Drinking on an empty stomach is an excellent method of ensuring oneself a cheap night out and asking for a double shot of Zubrowka with our apple juice (girly drinks galore!) only accelerates the joy and light-headedness. Post work drinks were at Smith's of Smithfield. The actual decor is none too impressive - it's kinda doing the 'industrial' look - but it served it's purpose. I hear the steaks are good here though so I shall refrain from further pickiness. Here we met up with Mr. L (before he had to dash home to 'study') and also MShee, JunT and Jess' friends.
After walking around in a circle, we finally found our way to dinner at restaurant whose name I've forgotten. By then Jess and I had four standard drinks in a period of 1.5 hours. Happiness indeed. Here are some foolish photos:
Tee hee! Fun in the toilets! I wanted to catch Lil Miss J leaving the cubicle but she was far too prepared for my 'surprise'. Asian pose!
Lil Miss J still managed overcome her alcoholic state to take a create, hall-of-mirrors-oh-no-where's-the-exit shot. I'm not worried, cos that's my happy drinks face I got on.
Oh, this is somewhat familar.
Alright, here's the rest of the dinner party.
And another shot.
A vase looks mighty fascinating when mildly intoxicated.
Baoey looking very interested indeed.
Can anyone tell we swapped glasses?
Two serious ones.
Along came dessert.... and by then we were pretty happy snappy.
I think this was mine. A chocolate fondant.
Bao's? Or was it Leesh's? A tiramisu.
I think this was Lil Miss J's. A mousse? Trifle? With some pointy ice cream.
Not so pointy now are we?
Leesh's or Bao's. Ummm... passionfruit pannacotta me thinks.
And finally JunT's biscuit, truffle platter. Sorry for the blur.
The obligatory (but fake) boob grab.
I have no idea what is happening here. I think Bao is doing her scarecrow/creepy anime impersonation.

Muscle woman Lil Miss J taking Bao to the tube.
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