Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have a spiffy bit of software on my laptop which allows me to use some 'special effects' on my webcam.  Some of them are a bit lame, most of them are quite farnie.  My favourite effects are the wigs and hats.  The camera has a face detection mode and so your accessory of choice follows your head movements, making it all that extra convincing.

Here are a few samples:
Rastafarian Pooey. 

Whitney Houston in her Bodyguard days Pooey.

1980s boyband/Kevin Bacon Footloose Pooey.  I am actually wiping away a tear of laughter here.

I should have taken more snapshots but I was too busy laughing and crying.


mallymoodle said...

This is making me laugh and cry again


MaMaChua said...

Whitney is my favourite. hahahaa........

J said...

you're so farnie frannie!!

mallymoodle said...

I just saw this again and cracked up.
