When I was little, one of the careers I contemplated was 'artist'. That innocent childhood dream
died a long while back when I realised it wasn't a viable career. However I will say that I am quite a deft hand at drawing crap and this skill has been reignited by the game
We Doodle. It's a Pictionary of sorts but for the Iphone.
Drawing with a mouse is hard enough and drawing on an Iphone is probably only slightly easier. Either way, the precision of a pencil or a paintbrush is just not there. But that just all adds to the fun and you get the hang of it!
The We Doodle app is somewhat annoying. Lately it has been constantly crashing, generally quite slow and it frustratingly forces me to turn my phone off and on to reset it. Normally, that would mean I would delete the frigging thing but alas it has me kinda hooked.
The game gives you three different inks - red, blue, black and a pencil. As you accumulate more points, you can buy more colours, writing instruments and stencils. I put quite a bit off effort into my pics and if I am especially proud of what I've drawn, I get a little upset if they are guessed incorrectly. That being said, some words are a challenge and I do have to take an abstract angle.
Anyway I've created many masterpieces and now I'm going to show them off:
I personally think this was a pretty awesome drawing of 'soul'. How else would you draw it?!?! Also, I know I am cheating by using letter/symbols of any kind but no one here is judging me.
Another favourite. How else would you draw a pole?!?!?! Sure I could have drawn a thin cylinder but no one would guess that. It's gotta be in context people!! What better context than a pole dancer complete with boobs?
One of my utmost favourite doodles. The symbolism! The stereotype! Of course, it's a terrorist!
The above three I thought were just plain cute.
How awesome is the dead husband!?!
Superb detail. I even drew a Tarzan.
Well it was either going to be a frog or a toad.
I even drew a little bow on the bra.
Yes, cheating again using words. But he's quite obviously beastly.
The poor amputee.
This is how I feel after I burn myself on the iron.
Part of my earliest collection. Ok, I admit, I googled to find a picture of sphinx to help me draw. Yeah I cheated when I wrote Kikkoman.
More of my early collection.
Once again, I emphasise the importance of context. You can't just draw 'dip'. What is a dip without chips and other party food? A noodle is just a squiggly line when it's not in a bowl being held up by chopsticks.
Ok, I really didn't know to draw bluetooth. In hindsight I should have just drawn the bluetooth symbol. I wasn't thinking that day.
Alright I was a bit upset that this was guessed wrong. It's so obviously Godzilla!!!!!! Look at those little stick men running away!!
Oh come on. It's a roulette table!!!
I had a bit of difficulty drawing just a chandelier. It just looked so crap. So I had to draw people dancing underneath something chandelier-esque. I'm pretty proud of my Elvis drawing but again I did use google to get a better grasp of his jumpsuit.
All that Harry Potter reading has paid off. My wizard drawing skills have been refined. My scarecrow is pretty scary and maybe even a little depressed.
Yes I cheated by writing 'Extra! Extra!' Clearly the man is a journalist.
Here are a few of my faves by other We Doodle players.
Chief. Pretty damn good! So good that if I ever come across chief, this is how I will draw it.
Hunt. I felt sorry for the deer!!! It's fate is sealed!
Snuggle. This would be hard to draw. But with the letter clues given towards the last 10 seconds, you could see what was being conveyed.
Now, along with the good drawings, come the errrr... not so good. I'm not here to lambaste other people's drawings or offend them (and names have been removed to protect the innocent) but I'll acknowledge that a 'wavelength' connection between players can help considerably. Things which are wtf to me can be crystal clear to others. Likewise, what may be exceedingly obvious to me can be clear as mud to others.
For example, I had to draw a picture of 'focus'. The best way I could represent that was to draw a basic physics diagram of an optical system. No one would guess that if they didn't do physics! I also had to draw 'relative'. How the hell do I do that? So I drew a genealogy chart. A bit difficult for those without a science background to understand and regardless, I admit it was a fairly roundabout way to draw 'relative'. I was banking on the clues to help with the guessing.
Here are some of the few I had difficulty guessing. You take a guess of the following. Like We Doodle, I'll give you 30 seconds!!! (Answers at the bottom)












1. Safe. All the important features are there.
2. Goliath. Very obvious in hindsight. I had guessed victim, recipient, injured. Haha.
3. Tape. Believe it or not. This is tape. I'm pretty sure that looks like a cheerleader and another player agreed with me. All that effort to draw a cheerleader, so how do we get 'tape'? When we questioned the drawer we were told, 'I was drawing a cheerleader but somehow when I submitted the picture it changed to tape!'
4. Throat. You'd be forgiven for thinking it was a spade/shovel and that the arrow was pointing to the handle of the spade/shovel. Some eyes to the person's head would've added more context.
5. Headphone. Another person actually guessed it was 'pizzaphone'.
6. Porch. Pretty obvious when you break down 'pea' + 'torch' = ptorch = porch. But with a time limit, I first had to figure out that it was a torch not a lamp or flashlight and therefore not 'plamp' or 'peaflashlight'.
7. Board. A basic drawing but the point is quite clear.
8. Sand. Again quite basic but the important thing is that it's quite a clear point. Some colour would be nice though.
9. Greens. I guessed grass. This is hard to draw though. I had drawn some green veggies together and it still wasn't clear.
10. Bottle. You can see I initially guessed spade and shovel.
11. Cloth. I had guessed paper, sheet before finally with the letter clues, I got cloth. Hard to draw but I would've drawn a kitchen with a cloth hanging from an oven door handle.
12. Donut. Some coloured sprinkles and pink icing would have been nice. You could mistake it for a plate or dish though.
Yes, I have laughed out loud at my phone many times when playing We Doodle. The novelty is wearing off because I've had the game for over a month now but get the app if you love drawing!